Discrimination Still Exists

We live in the internet age and claim to be highly advanced in every field. With the men and women reaching to the moon and gearing up to go the Mars, are we really moving ahead? Well, the answer is most probably a yes. But when we see around us and witness the misery around and the presence of inequality or discrimination of various sorts, the question popping out is that are we really moving forward? And now, you will get an answer in the negative. An answer for which both the heart and the brain speak in unison. Questsky offers a great combination of adventure read and other genre to the avid readers.

People in the world are still undergoing the inequality of gender, income, racial, colour, caste, and religion. Then how can we claim to be living in an extremely developed and forward society? Till the mindset of the people does not change and evolve, technology alone cannot be the criteria to judge the development. The various parameters all come to a standstill when discrimination comes face to face. Thus to reach the level of real development, or all round development, awareness and education can play pivotal roles.

Questsky also supports such thoughts and have the write-ups of various genres to invoke the similar feelings in the minds of the readers. It is truly an entertaining and interesting website which can easily attract the attention of the readers. To be forward in the real sense of the word, it is essential to be forward in thoughts.

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